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Because it’s cheaper than therapy

Have you ever gone out at night after a snow storm? Or really anytime after a snow storm? It’s so quiet. I love that quiet.

This is our first year living in a full sized house with full sized sidewalks and a full sized driveway that need to be shoveled. So far, I’m loving it.

When you go out to shovel you get all bundled up and can’t hear or see much of anything.

It’s just you, and your thoughts.

I love it.

Tonight I just needed a little more alone time so I headed out to shovel for the second time today. Not only am I get this amazing time of peace, but it’s a fantastic work out.

We finished our driveway and sidewalks (for the second time!!) and I just wasn’t done, so we headed next door. And shoveled some more.

I wish I could say I was having deep thought alone with my self under that heavy winter coat and warm hood. But I wasn’t. Tonight I sand the Elmo song, over and over and over again. But it was peaceful, serene and nice to be out there with just my husband. Shoveling along.

I suppose I shovel snow because it’s cheaper than therapy. I still get to listen to myself talk for an hour and don’t have to pay anyone to listen.

So I shovel.

(and enjoy it…)


They aren’t kidding when they say it’s a good workout (p.s. “they” is my trainer, he says it burns about 600 calories and hour.) While I shoveled this evening I burned 535 in the hour I was shoveling. And I felt it. I felt good. And worked out, and hot and tired. All those good feeling you get from going to the gym. But almost more… I never look quite this bad when I get home from the gym…

(oh yes, I did just post that picture! No shame, ya’ll)

And also the endorphins. Cheaper than therapy…

So I shovel.


  1. YES! I totally do that – although usually by myself. And during the summer, I get the same therapeutical effects from squirting down the driveway or watering the garden from the hose!

  2. I do love the workout and the quiet time of shoveling. Of course I don't look nearly as sexy after I'm done.

  3. Yep, same reason I like cleaning the barn. I love shoveling. And you & I could be post shovel picture twins. :)

  4. Ha ha, I can't believe you posted that photo. :) My arms were so sore after our snowstorm last year–but I loved it!

  5. Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud says

    I love being out there in the snow. The quiet is deafening. Talk about serenity! Though I've gotta admit, the hubby won't allow me to shovel snow. He and my 15-year old son love doing it and he wouldn't risk me pulling something. Not so much because he cares about me, but because if I get hurt he's stuck with the baby and the rest of the kids. lol
    I love that you posted your post snow-shoveling photo. I'm going to post my sans makeup photo for Wordless Wednesday. Hope you'll stop by. Have a great day.

    Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud

  6. Sarah Halstead says

    Great workout. I am sure it is relaxing too. Keep it up girly!

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