I have been wanting to take the baby for a walk outside since the day we came home from the hospital.
I guess going for a walk around the neighborhood with your baby in a stroller is one of those quintessential family moments that I always pictured in my head..
It was a balmy 50 degrees out today so I figured now is as good a time as any!
A friend gave us this stroller (brand new!!) and I’ve been dying to use it.
Aaron went out to get it all ready and discovered all 3 tires were flat!!!!!
But hey.. the baby only weighs 13 pounds.. so we thought we’d still give it a whirl.
We loaded him up and bundled him up.. (He really should have had a hat on.. sorry..)
And after a few photo ops.. we were off….
I can’t believe you turned down an opportunity for a family picture!!
I wish I would have gone for a walk on Saturday. I was just telling my husband that I can’t wait for spring so we can go for walks every day!