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His first Christmas…

I don’t have a lot of time for words.. So we’ll make this short and sweet…
Who wouldn’t rather be with this guy?????

The best Christmas present … EVER!

The snow storm that has us stranded….

An almost smile… (I love the dog peeking over the back.,.)

He’s finally decided since we keep bringing “it” back, it must be here to stay.. so he might as well love him…

Puppy got a new blanket.. (so did baby.. puppy got black and baby got a white one..)
And he got a new beaver toy..

Me and my baby…

His new cuddly white blankey…

And puppy opening his blankey… still in the box!

Scrunched up in his swing…

This is the first day since Miles was born that we haven’t gone anywhere! It feels really good to sit at home for a whole day….
With this huge storm that came through the house feels even more cozy..
We just haven’t decided what’s going to happen when Riddick has to go potty….. It should be interesting…


  1. How adorable is he!! He doesn’t even really look like a newborn. And I love the pic of him and the dog together. Too cute!

  2. Oh my gosh he is darling Ryley! I haven’t checked any blogs the pastcouple weeks so I just found out that you had him! That’s crazy that he is bigger than Josh and he’s 2 1/2 weeks old! I just love all his dark hair. Congratulations!

  3. Miles is adorable! And I don’t say that about all babies so you can feel good that you make cute babies! Hope you had a merry Christmas!

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