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less water more oxygen…

I have some pictures that hopefully I’ll get around to posting tonight..

But I just have to say one thing..

People that live in Texas are sub-human..

I realize I am pregnant and complain a litttttle more than normal…

But seriously.. there is NOOO oxygen in the air in Texas.`It’s pure water…. which is doing wonders for my naturally curly hair that takes an hour to straighten….

Thank you humidity.. You can find me INDOORS….


  1. JEN & JEREMY says

    Sounds like you are having way too much fun there in Dallas…
    Don’t worry, you aren’t missing any thing at work enjoy it while you are away!!!… And I can’t believe your dog ate your pills. That is too funny!

  2. Take my advice – don’t even try to straighten your hair. My hair is not even naturally curly, but in Texas, it decides that it is!! Enjoy you time in DAllas!

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