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The BEST lunch ever…

*****Correction.. Aaron read this post and called me to inform me, it was actually Chipotle Tabsco, not regular Tabasco that he used.. I have corrected the recipe! :) *****

I totally forgot about this..and SOOOOO wish I hadn’t been so lazy and had actually taken a picture of it..

Aaron had quite the lunch yesterday. After church..I was hungry (SURPRISE!) So I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich and ate some left over pasta salad with it. Aaron didn’t want anything. So I didn’t make him anything..

We settled down to watch Fool’s Gold and he decided he was hungry…

This is what his lunch consisted of..

First you take this..

Add a generous portion of these..

Top it was a few dashes of this..

Now pour on this..

And top with this to taste..

Really.. he had a bowl of potato chips with A-1, Ketchup, and Tabasco. And ate all of it with a spoon!!!

When I protested.. He said “What is the difference between potato chips and french fries?”

He’s right, I wouldn’t have complained if he has eaten french fries like this.. So I didn’t argue…


  1. Mixed Up Me says

    Why can’t you eat deli meat?

  2. Listeria my dear friend!! I just pretend that it doesn’t apply to hot dogs… and I make sure Aaron burns them really good!! :)
    I’m pretty sure no more listeria could exsist in those hot dogs!

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