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Archives for January 2009

Catching up with a lot of pictures!!!

Wow.. keeping up this blog is a lot harder than I thought it would be right now.
I have no idea where the day goes.. it’s like I notice it’s 7am.. (which doesn’t mean a whole lot since we don’t sleep anyway.. 7:00 is just another number on the clock that we watch come and go..) and then.. it’s 5pm.. I have NO IDEA what happens in between. Sometimes we get a shower.. and most days we even eat a meal or two.. but other than that all I can remember is diapers and feeding..
Today was a rare day when he was awake most of the day.. and I had to entertain him for the first time… Not an easy thing to do..
We read books for awhile and even got out some toys.. (Thank you Le’a!!!) We sang a lot of songs and just talked.. i have no idea how to entertain a baby.. other than shoving food in his mouth.. I guess we’ll learn.. I have some catching up to do..
My sister was here for 9 AMAZING days. She took care of him 100% at night. All I had to do was wake up every few hours to pump. We all miss her a lot.. but she’ll be back soon…
In that time…
We learned a trick for keeping that pesky binky in his mouth!

We celebrated new years with Aaron’s favorite Appetizer dinner…

Followed by Aaron and I going to bed around 9pm and Ryan and Pookie staying up to ring in the new year together…

I snapped a picture of my 3 favorite guys in the whole entire world….

and Daddy spent a lot of bonding time with little guy..

He even managed to learn how to type over him!

My sister had quite the set up while she was here. She slept on the couch with the baby and had this little station down pat!
Little Man got his first mowhawk thanks to Auntie Ryan..

And sadly had to tell her bye…

While someone discovered his love for baby’s beamer….

We also had some professional pictures taken. (Those should be here any day..)

And the baby acne has become a million times worse…
In two and a half weeks we’ve gone through over 200 diapers already.. and have done at least 10 loads of just baby clothes laundry! It’s insane….

1 week old..

Okay… So his 1 week pictures are a little late!!!
But here he is next to his crocodile.. My sister was really excited to get this for us since we read another blog where she always measured her baby next to this same guy…
Here he is at 1 week…
He got to celebrate with his first trip to Cafe Rio!! Lucky boy…
And he still loves to suck on his hand…

And still looks tiny in his car seat….

Keep growing big and strong little man… Big and strong, big and strong! :)