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Archives for 2008


Still here…

And realllllly grumpy..

That’s all..

Is he coming?????

My 39 weeks appointment was today..

Last night I felt like I had contractions.. but how am I supposed to know what a contraction feels like??? Needless to say I was up all night because of them.. I tried really hard to time them. So I would look at what time it was when I would feel it start.. then it would go away and I’d fall asleep. And then I’d wake up in pain again.. look at the clock and realize I have no idea what time it was last time I looked at the clock.

(The same thing happens when I get up 19 times a night to pee.. I can never remember what time I got up last time.. so it could have been 3 hours ago.. or 3 minutes ago.. and I have no idea..)

So my timing idea didn’t work.. but I do know that I saw EVERY hour. Surprisingly I wasn’t completely exhausted this morning..
We debated back and forth about what we should do today. I knew going to work and sitting at a desk would completely stall anything that was trying to happen. And when I noticed I was loosing my mucus plug.. (Sorry.. TMI!) We decided not to go to work.
Instead we went back to bed for a little while and got up when the mall opened and walked laps around the mall for HOURS.. it was absolutely exhausting.. for both of us.
When we couldn’t take the scenery of the mall we decided to head to IKEA to try out their lap course.

We eventually made it home.. and I tried to relax a little before my appt.

Good news.. I’m officially 3+ cm’s dilated (a little bigger than 3.. not quite 4..) and 80% effaced.

She asked me if I wanted her to strip my membranes.. and I asked if I should.. and she responded with.. “Well, It depends do you want one last good sleep tonight?” That got me excited thinking she was implying that I could go into labor tonight.. and Heck .. I’m not sleeping anyway.. so strip away!!

It didn’t hurt like I thought it would.. and now…. We sit and wait…

Everyone keep their fingers crossed….

She did tell me over and over again that he was a really big boy.. and she is worried that he hasn’t drop.. She was preparing me for the.. “if’s” of if he doesn’t drop..

But I’m not too worried.

We’ll see…….

The last baby free family pictures…

So here it is.. The one that turned out the best!! :)
And also your Christmas Card……. So enjoy it..
But it didn’t come easily…

First Daddy had to test out the tripod…

And in the first picture puppy decided I needed a kiss…

And then he didn’t want Dad to feel left out…

So Aaron had a brilliant idea of putting a treat on the tripod so he would look at it… We call this our giraffe boy…

And then I decided to put him between us and make Aaron change the camera so my slippers weren’t showing… This would have been a good picture if I hadn’t had “Ryan syndrome” and closed my eyes.. (I did this twice in a row.. by the way.. and we weren’t even using a flash!)

This one is my second favorite….

But this one still won out…

I wonder what will be harder.. getting the dog to pay attention or getting the baby to pay attention!! :)

Oh Christmas Tree..

I’m feeling a bit blah today.
Not sad or anything.. just blah..
You know the kind of blah you feel when you don’t get out of your pajamas for 2 days??? :)
Yesterday alllll 3 of us slept until almost 11!! It was heavenly.. I soak up every moment of that since I’ll never know that feeling again..
We got up.. ate breakfast then all piled on the couch.. we stayed there most of the day.. I’ve really been wanting a Christmas tree so eventually we got up and headed out.
(all the tree’s came with free flocking yesterday since it had snowed all night!) (Which also made for great puddles on our hard wood floors!)
We found our tree.. and I thought it was actually on the smaller side… but it wasn’t!!
It barely fits…
Aaron wasn’t amused that I made him pose for a picture as he was trying to carry it in! :)
He sat it in the stand and went to get “tools!”
The dog LOVES when Dad does projects.. he’s always his little helper and was just beside himself wondering what to do next…

This is Aaron’s least favorite part.. tightening the screw things.. and I wasn’t a whole lot of help this year.. But Riddick was! He was right there under the tree the whole time..
he was so excited..

Again.. he really wasn’t amused that I was taking pictures instead of helping..

It’s not like he was down there alone.. he had plenty of help!

Plus.. I had way more important things to do!

We finally got it all set up and decorated.. (pretend it isn’t crooked.. we worked for HOURS trying to get it straight.. it just didn’t like to be straight..)
I don’t think we’ll ever get over how different our tree decorating ideas are..
It’s always a struggle!
I prefer just white lights.. He has colored LED’s that are like laser beams every time you look at the tree…
I prefer.. 1 maybe 2 colors of glass bulbs.. and that’s all
He despises glass bulbs and would rather have plastic figurine type ornaments all over the tree.. (those make me barf!!!)
And he insists on hanging candy canes on the tree… which I think it dumb.. but whatever!
As you can see.. I only win on one thing. I get glass bulbs..
but only because we don’t have anything else..
And the presents under the tree are empty boxes from last year… Those are the only presents that tree will see this year.. besides a baby brother……..
We also managed to take some family pictures yesterday.. They are lovely.. and full of bloopers.. so that’s another whole post in its self!
After we got the tree up.. we got back in our jammies and headed back to the couch.. and that is pretty much how today has gone too! Although Aaron has managed to shower already this morning.. I’m still working on that..
We are celebrating his niece’s birthday tonight so I actually have an excuse to get dressed.. I will try to get a good 39 week picture tonight too.. please keep positive thoughts coming that it will be the last weekly update picture!!!

Is this the last time??

Remember how I said every time we go out all I can think is.. “This might be the last time we go somewhere before the baby comes..”

Last night was one of those times.. Every year in December we have a vendor at work that takes Aaron’s boss and I to dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. We look forward to it allll year long.

(seriously.. on a little side track.. How do people just decided to go to dinner there. How can you physically spend that much money on dinner?? I just don’t get it.. my dinner alone was at least $100.. times the 6 of us at the table… geez……..)

Anyway.. When they approached me this year to go and it was sooo close to my due date I told them I wasn’t going without my husband (plus Aaron gets all pouty every year when I go since he’s never been!) Matt, Aaron’s boss, just got engaged so we asked if he could bring her too. Surprisingly they agreed! :)

Dinner was sooooooo good.. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Aaron eat that much. It was nice to meet his boss’ fiance and we just basically had a really good time…. If that was my last “hurrah” than that will be completely fine with me…..

And now for what may possibly be the last picture.. (hopefully……)

Yikeees… it scares me..

****updated: Aaron’s boss just sent this me a link to a local news story:

“The recession is taking a big bite out of business for many retailers. A toy store, office supply store and a fine steakhouse all are closing some locations in Utah.
Ruth’s Chris Steak House on Pierpont Avenue in Salt Lake is closing Jan. 10. The Salt Lake Tribune reports it’s related to the owner’s financial troubles.
Also, KB Toys, which has outlet stores in Park City and St. George, will begin going-out-of-business sales now that it has filed for bankruptcy for the second time in four years.
Two Office Depot locations are closing: at The Gateway and in Murray. Those are two of more than 100 being closed across the country. “

So.. not only may that have been the last time we went out before the baby.. but probably the last time we eat at Ruth’s Chris….