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Archives for March 2010


I am hopeful..

Bath Time

Hopeful my son will grow up to be the man and boy he wants to be..

Hopeful he will know how loved he is..

Hopeful he will remain true to the faith we have raised him in..

Hopeful he will know of His love for him..

Bath Time

Hopeful he will understand the importance of our eternal family…

Hopeful he will be healthy and successful…

Hopeful he will be an example and a light for someone else..

Hopeful that he will make an amazing to husband to an amazing wife..

Bath Time
Hopeful he will be happy.

You Capture – Hopeful – Hosted by the amazing and always so beautiful I should be folding laundry.

Mommy & Me Monday – Babywearing

Although I’m not nearly as “crunchy” of a mom as I’d like to be, my biggest regret in the early months of Miles’s life, is not getting into babywearing. I wish I had a whole slew of slings that I couldn’t live without. I think it would have made him a lot happier. And us too.

Even though he’s getting so big now, he still needs to be held, and I still love holding him. When I come home from work it’s our time. He doesn’t leave my side, and I like it that way.

I knew I needed something that could help me hold him and still let me get things done.

No one I know, knows babywearing quite like Stephanie . So when she suggested that the Mei Tai Ellaroo Hip carrier might be perfect for us, I jumped on it. Finding a great deal on a brand new carrier online.

It’s so perfect for us. It’s the closest he comes to ever giving us a hug. I have even caught him snuggling a time or two. He loves to be close and I love having him close.

We may be late to this babywearing party, but we’re making up for lost time.