Archives for March 2010
Mommy & Me Monday – Babywearing
Although I’m not nearly as “crunchy” of a mom as I’d like to be, my biggest regret in the early months of Miles’s life, is not getting into babywearing. I wish I had a whole slew of slings that I couldn’t live without. I think it would have made him a lot happier. And us too.
Even though he’s getting so big now, he still needs to be held, and I still love holding him. When I come home from work it’s our time. He doesn’t leave my side, and I like it that way.
I knew I needed something that could help me hold him and still let me get things done.
No one I know, knows babywearing quite like Stephanie . So when she suggested that the Mei Tai Ellaroo Hip carrier might be perfect for us, I jumped on it. Finding a great deal on a brand new carrier online.
It’s so perfect for us. It’s the closest he comes to ever giving us a hug. I have even caught him snuggling a time or two. He loves to be close and I love having him close.
We may be late to this babywearing party, but we’re making up for lost time.