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Archives for February 2009

Just call him Spike……

Some times I am VERY glad I don’t have a girl… At least with boy’s this is acceptable….
This crazy of hair would never fly on a girl…
But then there are time when I think.. Those eyes would be so pretty on a little girl..
But they look pretty darn good on him too! :)

And this big chubby faced smile…. It makes it alll worth it!

And the way he love watching his big brother…… (Lets just hope he doesn’t learn any garbage eating tricks from him big brother..)

See the family resemblance?? :)

After looking through these pictures yesterday I thought.. “Man he looks fat.. I wonder how much he weighs now???” So I went and weighed him.. and at 1 month 3 weeks and 2 days he weighed 12 pounds 2 ounces..
His official 2 month appointment is next week.. so I guess we’ll see what he gets up to! :)
Love that little chunky man….

Welcome back 2 hour Joe…

In bed by 7:30..

Awake by 8:30..
Put back in this bed by 9:10.. not asleep but laughing and talking to the dog that hangs over his crib..
I fell asleep about 10 and could still hear him “talking”
up again by 1…
back in bed by 1:30..
up again at 3..
up again at 3:45..
up again at 5:15..
up again at 6:30..
At least we lived the life of parents who’s baby slept for one night….
We may never know that joy again….
Okay.. I guess I will since I don’t EVER get up at night.. but I’m still very aware of how much he wakes up..
Don’t worry baby.. .we still love you.. a lot alot….
(But really.. would it kill you to just sleep a little??????????????)

I’ve been trying to think of a title for this post since 4 am and can’t come up with anything except.. WOW!!!

I need to start this post off by first saying, I am the worst mother at night time. I NEVER get up to take care of the baby.

Early on we realized that nursing is just too much for him at night. It wakes him up too much and he doesn’t get enough to eat. That combined with his reflux when he lays down made it a pretty easy decision to give him only bottles at night. He doesn’t love to take bottles from me, ESPECIALLY at night.. So Aaron has always willingly fed him at night.

Now it has turned into Aaron takes care of him alllll night every night. I seriously don’t know what I would do without him. He is the BEST daddy EVER!!!!!!

(I do, however, wake up every time the baby wakes up to pump. And occasionally I will go change his diaper and give him a love while Aaron is heating up a bottle. So I’m not totally heartless! :) )

The other thing about our baby… He does not love to sleep. Never really has. He was never one of those newborns that just slept and slept and slept. He thinks if he sleeps he’ll miss out on something really exciting.

His day time naps consist of 2 maybe 3 20 minute naps. That’s it…

At night he is up every 2-3 hours on the dot!

We used to try keeping him up really late, hoping for just a little more sleep.

It never worked.. nothing we tried worked.

A few people recommended a couple books to me, So I got online and started researching them.

I found one that had some pretty good reviews.

and cut to the good news…

He slept for 7 straight hours last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We put him to bed at about 8:30.. He didn’t wake up until 3:45…

Actually there is a good chance he could have slept longer..

I woke up out of the blue at about 3:40.. rolled over.. looked at the clock.. realizing I couldn’t remember the last time Aaron got up with the baby… I checked the monitor.. He was breathing.. everything looked fine..

I asked Aaron “When was the last time you got up?”

“ummmmmm…” He replied half asleep looking at the clock…

“Have you been up at all yet with the baby?”

“No.. I don’t think I have…” He said still asleep..

“Do you think we should go check on him?” I asked.. At this point he has already jolted out of bed realizing the baby had been asleep for 7 hours..

He ran into his room and put his hand on his chest. And bam… He was awake!

And MADDDDD… apparently he realized that that instant that he hadn’t eaten in 7 hours and he was not too happy about it! :)

I laid in bed in disbelief… He really slept for 7 hours…. OUR baby.. who’s previous record was something like 3 hours and 55 minutes…. He slept for 7 hours!!!!

It took Aaron less than 30 minutes to change, feed him and be back in bed.

We laid in bed amazed.. (and wide awake) for a good hour…. Trying to figure out why he slept so good.

Was it because he got two good naps?? Was it because it was cold in his room?? (Our handy dandy monitors informed us it was 63 degrees in there) Aaron said his diaper was clean.. Was it because he didn’t pee??? Was it because he snacked for 3 hours before he went to bed??? (Eating 1-2 ounces every 30 minutes..) or was it just a fluke??

Whatever it was.. We couldn’t believe it…

Granted.. He didn’t sleep much after that.. But every time he woke up.. Aaron just went in to change his diaper and he’s fall back asleep..

Until about 6.. Then he was up for the day. And ALLLL smiles..

He just laid in bed and smiled and talked until I left..

Can you believe it??? I still can’t..

Now if you’re reading this.. Please knock on wood for me… Let’s hope this wasn’t a fluke..

One of the last things Aaron said to me before we fell asleep sometime after 4 was..

“This will be really good to blog about!”

He’s well trained…

Those eyes……..

I am so glad baby got his daddy’s eyes….. that blue just pierces you…
the hair.. well that’s a whole other story! :)

The week with Auntie….

Auntie Ryan and Angela came to play for a week or so.
It was SUCH a nice break to have a few extra hands here again.
We’ve been so lucky to have my sister and my parents come out.. but every time they leave I’m reminded of how hard this really is.. Every night I wish they were here just so I could have a little break..
Want to see what we did while they were here??
Baby slept…
and then he slept some more…

and then he smiled while he slept.. (notice the nice fresh scratches on his face! Gotta love those nails..)

But MOST IMPORTANTLY.. he learned to slip in his crib!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Yes.. my baby does sleep on a changing pad.. honestly.. it’s the BEST thing ever.. He moves so much when he sleep and has to sleep elevated so it keeps him nice and perfectly centered.. It was the best thing we’ve ever experimented with!)

And then he slept on his nursing pillow! He kept waking up every time I’d try to move him off the pillow after he was done eating. So I tricked him and tucked blankets around him to think he was still laying on me.. Want to know how long it lasted?? less than 2 minutes.. but it was a good try…

Just to prove he didn’t sleep the WHOLE time.. here is Angela during the glorious “Grumpy Hour” trying to find a way to make him happy…

In between grumpy times.. There were a few really happy times too! He is starting to actually smile at things.. instead of just randomly smiling at nothing.. and we LOVE it…

I walked into the living room to see the dog sleeping on my nursing pillow.. I think he realizes that baby gets mommy time when the pillow comes out.. and if that’s what it takes.. then he’ll find a way to get some mommy time too! :)

Riddick has been really good with the baby lately.. He’ll sleep on the couch with him..

And rock his chair when he starts crying.. (okay.. not really.. but we WISH!)
He has started bringing him toys when he’s sad though.. it’s really cute and he’s doing it more and more..

Miles really loves his Auntie.. He even makes Alien face for her!

And smiles so pretty for her…

He also loves his daddy!!! A LOT!
He is totallllly a daddy’s boy.. Daddy takes such great care of him.. Daddy actually does most of the taking care of him.. He’s the best Daddy and Mommy! :)
Him and Daddy were doing what him and daddy do one night… Take things apart and try to put them back together… The start of the baby’s career in computers.. just like daddy!

Well.. there were more pictures.. but these are the highlights…
Thanks again for everything you guys did.. now when are you coming back?? :)